We invite you to come and grow with us!
First Baptist Church is a Church that emphasizes the Bible. We are people who believe that the Holy Spirit uses the Holy Word to make holy people more like Jesus Christ. Our hymns are saturated with Scripture and we make the preaching of the Word pre-eminent.
We are an independent Baptist Church that seeks to glorify God through holy living (1 Peter 1:15-16), loving one another (John 13:34-35), seeking to win the lost (Matthew 28:19-20), and worship (Psalm 29:2).
We would love for you to stop by and visit us during one of our four weekly services. Everyone is welcome, and nursery is provided at every service. Can't make in-person services? You may also click here to watch online.
Come and grow with us!
Service Times
Come and Worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us

Adult, Teens, and Kids Sunday School
Prior to our main Sunday Worship Service, First Baptist Church holds a dedicated Bible-focused Sunday School for people of all ages. Get plugged in this upcoming Sunday.
Sunday Worship Services
MORNING: 10:30 AM — EVENING: 6:00 PM
Join us on Sundays as we sing Scripture-soaked hymns, have Pastor Hawn preach the Gospel, and learn scripture truth from God's Word, the Holy Bible.
*Note: No Sunday PM service on last Sunday of the month.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday nights to worship the Lord through dedicated prayer time, Bible study, and fellowship. Right now, we are going through the Book of Psalms chapter by chapter and are being blessed greatly by the studying of God's Word.